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Promotional video made for The Replacements’ release of the Dead Man’s Pop box set.

I directed, shot, designed, and animated the music video and artwork for Little Man’s song “BLVD.”

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Explainer video for Konica Minolta’s AeroRemote software.

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节假日高速免费政策_百度百科:2021-9-30 · “节假日高速免费政策”是指重大节假日免收小型客车通行费。2021年9月12日,河北省、湖南省、内蒙古、四川省等多个省份免费细则相继披露。各地方出台细则基本伡交通部2021年9月5日下发的紧急通知为蓝本,在通行时间、通行方式和通行范围等方面与交通部要求大体一致。

A short, pro-bono motion graphics piece created to promote the Cover Me Impressed benefit concert in Minneapolis.

A sneak preview of Rhapsody Kids, a new feature in the Rhapsody iOS and Android apps geared towards kid-users.

A brand video created for Rhapsody.

A selection of some of my favorites from an on-going project of rapidly designing what I’m calling mini music posters. These…

Brand Development & Responsive e-commerce site for Talent Gear.

Official music video for Martin Devaney’s “Over My Shoulder.”

Website for digital marketing and product design firm, bswing.

A short film created for Still Motion’s Big Shots contest. It won!

ISZY云推荐:2021-6-4 · 心阶云是一家长期走中高端路线的 SSR 机场,已经稳定运行多年。实际对比下来,它的性价比还是相当高的,提供的流量十分的充足。现阶段经过升级改造已加入大量 V2ray 线路,SSR 线路也已加入隧道中转,稳定性较好,体验尚佳。

The album Last Call by Minneapolis band The Whirligigs.

Music composed and recorded for the opening titles of the short film, The Digit, by Edward Linder.

A series of videos to explain RJS Software’s product offerings.

Website for RJS Software.

An animated video to promote energy savings in the home.

Center for Energy and Environment website.

Artwork for Martin Devaney’s The West End LP.

We set out to create a memorable online holiday greeting to Popular Front’s clients that differentiated our brand. We didn’t expected it to…

Popular Front was hired to help tell the complex story of an epic sustainable design project on the North Shore of…

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Album cover design for the short-lived Minneapolis band Moviestars.

A collection of design work from the good ol’ days. Just because.